Tata Merlin, which was supposed to be launched with or just after Mahindra XUV500, is taking a lot of time to be unveiled. However, it cannot make the car wait as some of them with cameras, long for its pictures and have attained the desired success now. Exclusive pictures of the interiors is the recent news which unveils the dashboard of the upcoming SUV from Tata. Tata merlin price is said to settle around Rs 10 lakh and the launch is apparently around the corner. It has been observed that wooden trim is used on the dash board of Tata Merlin. The steering wheel is without any controls. Two AC vents in centre and two on each side of dash are given. The glove box is quite slanting making way for elaborate legroom. HVAC controls and instrument cluster are surrounded by silver lining. The dash is very sparsely equipped and lack luxury element. The exteriors on the other hand are tweaked in a better way. Chrome tipped exhaust, chrome rear impact line, chrome door handles are given in Merlin, hence it is looking quite more luxurious then its previous avtaarTata Safari.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011
All new Tata Merlin interior review
Tata Merlin, which was supposed to be launched with or just after Mahindra XUV500, is taking a lot of time to be unveiled. However, it cannot make the car wait as some of them with cameras, long for its pictures and have attained the desired success now. Exclusive pictures of the interiors is the recent news which unveils the dashboard of the upcoming SUV from Tata. Tata merlin price is said to settle around Rs 10 lakh and the launch is apparently around the corner. It has been observed that wooden trim is used on the dash board of Tata Merlin. The steering wheel is without any controls. Two AC vents in centre and two on each side of dash are given. The glove box is quite slanting making way for elaborate legroom. HVAC controls and instrument cluster are surrounded by silver lining. The dash is very sparsely equipped and lack luxury element. The exteriors on the other hand are tweaked in a better way. Chrome tipped exhaust, chrome rear impact line, chrome door handles are given in Merlin, hence it is looking quite more luxurious then its previous avtaarTata Safari.
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